Top 10 International Health Insurance Companies 2023

2023’s Best Global Health Insurance Providers best international insurance companies 

 When you are moving abroad, you want the best international health insurance. There are many
 excellent global medical options to choose from, most of which are affordable. But it can be

 overwhelming to try to pick one. How do you find the best global health plan for your needs? This guide ranks the top 10 global insurers based on a nuxmber of key factors. It also identifies which pl
t the right price. Use our free tool to compare global medical insurance plans for even more detailed information. While this guide will help you narrow down your options, it’s essential to review each
policy's terms carefully to determine which insurer and plan are best suited to your needs. Discuss your

 options with one of our bxxrokers, who can help guide you through the process. Start by requesting a free quote. Top Ten International Medical Insurers Below is a comprehensive list of the top ten

 international insurers that offer the best global health insurance plans for expatriates, immigrants, and

 international citizens. These are global insurers that provide comprehensive annual plans for citizens

 from almost any country living abroad for a year or longer.
Rank Insurance Carrierxx Best For #1 Cigna Global Expats who want an extensive network and highly customizable benefits Free Quote #2 GeoBlue Xplorer U.S. citizens moving abroad and people moving

 to the USA Free Quote #3 William Russell People who want a personal touch and do not need extensive USA coverage Free Quote #4 IMG Global Medical Insurance Customers who need a wide

 array of options at a budget-friendly price Free Quote #5 Now Health International People who want
 an economical plan with simple options and little or no USA coverage Free Quote #6 Integra Global

 Expats seeking a bespoke plan tailored to their needs Free Quote #7 Allianz International Medical
 Insurance Pexople who want the backing of one of the largest companies in the world Free Quote #8

Quote #9 AIA Group Expats moving to countries in Asia such as China and Singapore Free Quote #10 Bupa Global Citizens of select countries that want the reassurance of the Bupa brand Free Quote The

 above companies have been ranked using the following criteria: Network size The breadth of benefits

 available Added features such as telemedicine Ease of filing a claim The ability to adjust your premium

 through copays and deductibles A.M. Best rating, which indicates the financial stability of each insurer

 What Is the Best Global Health Insurance? Cigna Global ranks as the best global health insurance on
 our list. But the best global health insurance for you depends on your specific needs. Cigna Global,

 GeoBlue, William Russell and International Mexxdical Group are all excellent choices for expatriates

 moving abroad to work and live. Each one is best for a specific type of global citizen. Read about each

 plan below. When you identify insurers that interest you, request a free quote. Cigna Global Health
 Insurance Plan Best Overall International Medical Insurance, Premium Cigna Global Insurance was

 one of the first global health insurance companies to offer insurance coverage to expatriates and other international citizens. Founded in 1982, the company remains to be one of the leading international

 insurance providers worldwide. It is an excellent option for many people living abroad as it provides

 comprehensive coverage in almost any country. Get your free Cigna quote today! The Cigna Global
 plan offers flexible levels of international he

alth insurance, with modules so you can add specific
 benefits you nee
d without paying for something you won’t use. That’s just one of the factors that earned them the top slot on our list. Multip

le deductible and cost-sharing options allow you to further customize the cost of your premium. Cigna’s access to international d

octors and hospitals is excellent, making it one of the favorites among travelers and expats. They have earned an A rating from A.M. Best. Cign
a Plan Highlights Three core plans: Silver, Gold, and Platinum Comprehensive plans that can be tailored to suit each client's individual ne

eds Cigna customer service is available 24/7/365 Access to Cigna Global's network of trusted hospita
ls, clinics, and doctors Interested in learn

ing more about Cigna? Get a FREE Cign

a quote today and start building your plan! Get a Free Quote Blue Cross Voyager FAQs Best Health Plan for US Citizens Abroad, Premium 

GeoBlue’s Xplorer plan is ideal health i

nsurance for U.S. citizens 

living overseas and health insurance for foreigners in the USA. GeoBlue is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shiel

d Association and offers both short-term travel medical and long-term insurance p

lans worldwide. Get 

your free Geo
Blue quote today! The GeoBlue X
plorer plan is a premium opt
ion available to both US 

 living overseas and expats

iving in the USA. Their 
extensive network, the ease of filing a claim and excellent telehealth services all brought them to number two on this list, 

espite their geogcraphic limitations. Members agree that GeoBlue’s premium plans are worth the ext
ra money when you get sick or injured because of their comprehensive coverage and helpful staff. GeoBlue has an A- rating from A

.M. Best. If you thoroughly compare the benefits, the premium level options from GeoBlcue have competitive prices that outmatch the policies offered by the competition with similarly high levels of

 cover. Xplorer Plan Highlights Unlimited med

ical maximum The most comprehensi

ve benefit
s in the industry Members are not required to p
ay a deductible for standard servic

es such as office visits, preventative care, and outpatient prescriptions Interested in learning more about GeoBlue? Ge

t a FREE GeoBlue quote today and start building your plan! Get a Free Quote william russell stacked logo 2 Best Policies for Expats in Asia William Russell has been in the healthcare business for 30 years, specializing in providing jmembers with private insurance benefits in 160 countries. Whether yo

u are an individual, a family, o
he company offers four plan tiers, each one built around your specific needs. They have excellent benefits, including top-notch coverage for ca

ncer care and extensive preventive care coverage. Their rates can be customized via the deductible you choose and yonur selected area of coverage. (Plans do
 not include USA coverage, but limited U.S
. coverage for trips up to 90 days can be added.) Their highly personalized service and
 24/7 customer service that earned t
hem the third spot on this list. William R
ussell has an A+ rating from A.M. Best. Get your free William Russell quote today! William Russell's four plan levels, Gold, Silver, SilverLite, and Bro
nze provide members with comprehensive medical coverage, excellent benefits, and a high level of service. William Russell Highlights Each plan level gives full cover for inpatient and most tiers have no limit on outpatient treatment. Full cancer coverag
e, including $6,000 for cancer genome treatment

 All plans offer Medevac Basic, with the option to add on Medevac Plus coverage. Interested in learning more about William Russell? Get a FREE William Russell quote today and start building your plan
! Get a Free Quote International Medical Group (IMG) Best Global Medical Insurance for People on a Budget International Medical Group (IMG) offers the widest range of products among international

 health insuracnce companies, from trip cancellation to their long-term international medical plan IMG Global Medical. For more than 20 years, IMG has provided international medical insurance, travel

 insurance, and affordable coverage to clients worldwide. IMG currently insures people in more than 170 countries globaclly. IMG earned the fourth spot on this list due to its wide array of plans, excellent preventative care coverage and pricing options that allow you to fine-tune your premium cost. They also offer add-on coverage for a global term life insurance, teccrrorism, sports and more. IMG has a

n A- rating from A.M. Best. Get your free IMG quote today! IMG Plan Highlights Four plan options and additional optional modules Choice of coverage areas to reflect your geographical ccarea of need

 Freedom to choose your health care provider wherever you are in the world Interested in learning more about IMG? Get a FREE IMG quote today and start building your plan! Get a Free Quote Additional Leading Global Health Insurers Now Health International Now Health International provides quality

 medical coverage worldwide that foreigners living abroad can easily access. One of the company’s best health insurance for international clients is the Now Health WorldCare Plan which provides
 comprehensive benefits, including cover for expats in the USA. A more affordable option is their

 SimpleCare plan. SimpleCare is perfect for expatriates seeking extensive medical coverage that fits their budget. Now Health International has an A+ rating from A.M. Best. Get your free Now Health quote today! Integra Global Health Insurance Integra Global, based in the UK, has service offices strategically placed worldwide including several countries in Europe, North America, and Asia. The

 company specializes in providing health plans to individuals, corporations, and organizations with

 unique protection needs, such as expatriates, marine professionals, jet setters, and people with

 specialized risks. It aims to develop unique international health insurance options that offer outstanding protection, excellent value, and hands-on unbeatable personal service. Integra Global has earned an A rating from A.M. Best. Get your free Integra Global quote today! Allianz International Medical

 Insurance One of the biggest insurance providers in the world is Allianz. It is a German company under the management of Allianz Worldwide Partners and is part of the Allianz Group. The company is known for its global network and for providing businesses with international medical insurance for

 employees. Allianz Group has an A+ rating from A.M. Best. AXA Global Healthcare AXA offers its customers superb international cover, which provides access to private healthcare whenever they need

 it. Their plans work well for expatriates living and working in another country or in multiple countries. AXA also offers short-term international insurance coverage for those who do not plan on being

 overseas for a long time. A.M. Best has given AXA Global an A+ rating. AIA Group AIA has a strong presence in Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In addition to international health insurance, they also offer retirement insurance, life insurance and accident protection, which makes them a one-stop

 solution for many expats. A.M. Best rates AIA Group divisions separately depending on the nation they are operating in. Bupa Global Bupa Global has been in business for over 65 years, specializing and

dedicating its resources to providing the best global health policies. Their global team of advisers and

 health experts speak multiple languages, which helps in providing service that exceeds expectations. They offer coverage in the U.K. and select European countries. A.M. Best has given Bupa Global a B++ rating. Interested in learning more? Get a FREE quote today and start building your plan! Get a

 Free Quote Best International Health Insurance Companies How to Compare the Best Global Insurance Companies There are many resources online to help you make your decision before purchasing the best international insurance for you. Choose the right insurance company for you based on six key factors:

 rating, cost, eligibility, coverage area, medical benefits, and healthcare network. Each international insurance company offers standard benefits, but some offer a bit more than others at a great price. To further help you with your research, we have created a comparison table depicting four of the top international insurance providers, Cigna, GeoBlue, William Russell and IMG. You can also request a free quote, which will allow you to compare several plans tailored to your specific needs. Insurer Rating The A.M. Best ratings of the providers give you an indication of the financial stability of each

 insurer. Coverage Area Most international insurance companies offer worldwide coverage including

 the US and excluding the US. Plan Cost Some international insurance companies charge more for their plans than others because they have more to offer. Medical Benefits Most international insurance

 companies provide great standard and optional medical benefits for their customers. Eligibility Some international insurance companies have age limits, coverage area restrictions, and pre-existing

 conditions limitations. Healthcare Network Each international insurance company has a different medical network full of fantastic doctors and exceptional hospitals. Review and Compare your Options:

 Compare Health Insurance Learn more about International Health Insurance for comprehensive annual cover. Best International Health Insurance Companies FAQs Does your health insurance cover you

 internationally? Most domestic health insurance policies do not cover you outside of your home country. If you plan on traveling or moving abroad, you need the best international medical insurance to cover you in case you become ill or are injured.

  Specialty Travel Insurance Companies The difference between international health insurance and travel medical insurance is the length of coverage provided and the level of benefits included in the policies.

 Even if you have private medical insurance from your home country, it most likely will not be accepted abroad when you get hospitalized due to an accident or illness. Even if it does, it will probably be

 insufficient to cover all the medical costs for your recovery. If you are traveling out of the country on a shorter trip, travel insurance is a necessity. Read our guide to the best travel insurance companies and

 get the best plan for you. Get the Best Plan With the Help of International Citizens Insurance Our mission is to educate you about the value of global medical, life, and travel insurance. By providing reliable and well-researched resources, you can easily select, compare, and study the plans offered by

 trusted insurance providers. With this information, you can be assured that you're safe and secure when you travel or relocate overseas. You can find the very best global health insurance, international life

 insurance, travel medical insurance, international group plans, and trip cancellation insurance policies here. As always, please review the policy’s terms carefully and discuss them with us so we can guide

 you through the application process. If you want help choosing the best international health insurance plan for you, request a quote and we will help you find the best plan to suit your needs.


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