WAPDA Jobs in Pakistan | Latest Wapda Jobs in Pakistan

WAPDA Jobs in Pakistan | Latest Wapda Jobs in Pakistan

The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has entered into a corporate finance with the Finance Cell (SFC) specially formed to focus on the use of international capital and financial markets to finance WAPDA's mega-hydel power projects. The organization is formed.It is founded to hire highly educated, dynamic, experienced, productive and expert financial experts for The following posts.

Posts Positions
01 Financial Analyst
14 Assistant Managers - Accounts & Finance

City / Location:

Jobs in Pakistan

Instructions & General Conditions:

1. Only those candidates who have been shortlisted will be called for interview.

2. The position on Serial No. 1 will be offered on the basis of competitive market. Pay the package according to the qualifications and experience of the applicants.

3. The appointment at Serial No.1 made under competitive market based lump sum pay package shall be for a period of 2 years and will not be regularized at any stage.

4. WAPDA is an equal opportunity employer,

5. WAPDA reserves the right to accept or reject any application(s) without assigning any reason thereof.

6. The Government employees applying for any position are required to obtain
requisite permissions, (if any).

7. Educational degrees must be from HEC recognized Universities / Concerned Boards

8. Original documents must be presented by the candidates at the time of interview, 

9. The candidates who have been weeded out of service on disciplinary ground as well as dismissed or debarred for future employment are not eligible to apply.

10. No TA/DA will be acceptable for interview for the candidates of WAPDA.

11. Applications carrying incomplete / incorrect information or reserved after last date of receipt shall be rejected.

How to apply for WAPDA Jobs:

1. Application form shall be downloaded from Pakistan Testing Service (PTS) website i.e. (http//www.pts.org.pk).

2. Candidate's eligibility will be determined on the basis of academic record.

3. Short listing and Test will be conducted by PTS and later interview by Selection Boards.

4. Candidate shall pay test fee of Rs. 170- to PTS. Fee will onty be accepted through Easy Paisa Mobile Account, Easy Paisa shop or VISA Master Card

5. Deposited amount is neither refundable nor transferable.

6. Roll No. Slip containing the information regarding test center, timings and test date shall be separately dispatched\communicated directly to candidates by PTS at! least one week before the test.

7. Candidates shall submit application forms duly filled in along with copy of CNIC and two recent passport size photos directly through Courier to PTS HEAD

OFFICE, 3rd Floor, Adeel PLAZA, BLUE AREA. Islamabad Pakistan within 15
of publication of advertisement.

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WAPDA Jobs in Pakistan | Latest Wapda Jobs in Pakistan


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